Thrust One – 2005

Beck, J. D.; Shang, L.; Marcus, M. S.; Hamers, R. J., “Manipulation and real-time electrical detection of individual bacterial cells at electrode junctions: A model for assembly of nanoscale biosystems”, Nano Letters 5 (4), 777-781 (2005). Link

Edwards, E. W.; Stoykovich, M. P.; Müller, M.; Solak, H. H.; de Pablo, J. J.; Nealey, P. F., “Mechanism and kinetics of ordering in diblock copolymer thin films on chemically nanopatterned substrates”, Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 43 (23), 3444-3459 (2005). Link

Junarsa, I.; Stoykovich, M. P.; Nealey, P. F.; Ma, Y. S.; Cerrina, F., “Hydrogen silsesquioxane as a high resolution negative-tone resist for extreme ultraviolet lithography”, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology B 23 (1), 138-143 (2005). Link

La, Y. H.; Edwards, E. W.; Park, S. M.; Nealey, P. F., “Directed assembly of cylinder-forming block copolymer films and thermochemically induced cylinder to sphere transition: A hierarchical route to linear arrays of nanodots”, Nano Letters 5 (7), 1379-1384 (2005). Link

Nealey, P. F.; Edwards, E. W.; Müller, M.; Stoykovich, M. P.; Solak, H. H.; de Pablo, J. J., “Self-assembling resists for nanolithography”, Proceedings of the IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM Technical Digest, 356 – 359 (2005). Link

Papakonstantopoulos, G. J.; Yoshimoto, K.; Doxastakis, M.; Nealey, P. F.; de Pablo, J. J., “Local mechanical properties of polymeric nanocomposites”, Physical Review E 72, 031801 (2005). Link

Shang, L.; Clare, T. L.; Eriksson, M. A.; Marcus, M. S.; Metz, K. M.; Hamers, R. J., “Electrical characterization of nanowire bridges incorporating biomolecular recognition elements”, Nanotechnology 16 (12), 2846-2851 (2005). Link

Stoykovich, M. P.; Müller, M.; Kim, S. O.; Solak, H. H.; Edwards, E. W.; de Pablo, J. J.; Nealey, P. F., “Directed assembly of block copolymer blends into nonregular device-oriented structures”, Science 308 (5727), 1442-1446 (2005). Link

Xiao, S. G.; Yang, X. M.; Edwards, E. W.; La, Y. H.; Nealey, P. F., “Graphoepitaxy of cylinder-forming block copolymers for use as templates to pattern magnetic metal dot arrays”, Nanotechnology 16 (7), S324-S329 (2005). Link

Thrust Three – 2005

Chen, Y. L.; Graham, M. D.; de Pablo, J. J.; Jo, K.; Schwartz, D. C., “DNA molecules in microfluidic oscillatory flow”, Macromolecules 38 (15), 6680-6687 (2005). Link

Hernandez-Ortiz, J.-P.; Stoltz, C. G.; Graham, M. D., “Transport and collective dynamics in suspensions of confined swimming particles”, Physical Review Letters 95, 204501 (2005). Link

Jo, K.; Dimalanta, E. T.; Chen, Y. L.; Runnheim, R.; Ma, H. B.; Graham, M. D.; de Pablo, J. J.; Coppersmith, S. N.; Schwartz, D. C., “Fluid arrays: Shear induced migration of single DNA molecules in confined environments”, Biophysical Journal 88 (1), 658A (2005).

Knotts, T. A.; Rathore, N.; de Pablo, J. J., “Structure and stability of a model three-helix-bundle protein on tailored surfaces”, Proteins: Structure, Function, and Bioinformatics 61, 385-397 (2005). Link

Ma, H. B.; Graham, M. D., “Theory of shear-induced migration in dilute polymer solutions near solid boundaries”, Physics of Fluids 17, 083103 (2005). Link

Ramanathan, A.; Pape, L.; Schwartz, D. C., “High-density polymerase-mediated incorporation of fluorochrome-labeled nucleotides”, Analytical Biochemistry 337 (1), 1-11 (2005). Link

Education – 2005

Moore, J. W., “Global leadership in science and technology”, Journal of Chemical Education 82, 807 (2005). Link

Facilities – 2005

Agarwal, A. K.; Sridharamurhy, S. S.; Beebe, D. J.; Jiang, H., “An on-chip autonomous microfluidic cooling system”, Technical Digest of the 13th International Conference on Solid-State Sensors, Actuators and Microsystems (Transducers ’05), Seoul, Korea, 364-367 (2005). Link

Bleher, R.; Meyer, D. A.; Albrecht, R. M., “High resolution multiple labeling for immuno-EM applying metal colloids and energy filtering transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM)”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 11 (Supp 2), 1100-1101 (2005). Link

Brueggemeier, S. B.; Wu, D.; Kron, S. J.; Palecek, S. P., “Protein-acrylamide copolymer hydrogels for array-based detection of Abl tyrosine kinase activity from cell lysates”, Biomacromolecules 6, 2765-2775 (2005). Link

Cheng, X.; Choi, H.; Schweiso, P.; Datta, A.; Li, X., “Micro thin film sensor embedded in metal structures for in-situ process monitoring during ultrasonic welding”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME 33, 267-272 (2005).

Choi, H.; Yang, Y.; Li, X., “Laser material processing for meso-micro solid freeform fabrication”, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 26 (4), 335-341 (2005).

Datta, A.; Choi, H.; Cheng, X.; Li, X., “A novel microfabrication technique for batch production of metal embedded micro thin film sensors for applications in hostile environments”, Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters 8 (11), H94-H96 (2005). Link

Evans, P. G.; Rugheimer, P. P.; Lagally, M. G.; Lee, C. H.; Lal, A.; Xiao, Y.; Lai, B.; Cai, Z., “Microfabricated strained substrates for Ge epitaxial growth”, Journal of Applied Physics 97, 103501 (2005). Link

Evans, P. G.; Tinberg, D. S.; Roberts, M. M.; Lagally, M. G.; Xiao, Y.; Lai, B.; Cai, Z., “Germanium hut nanostressors on freestanding thin silicon membranes”, Applied Physics Letters 87, 073112 (2005). Link

Fredin, N. J.; Zhang, J. T.; Lynn, D. M., “Surface analysis of erodible multilayered polyelectrolyte films: Nanometer-scale structure and erosion profiles”, Langmuir 21 (13), 5803-5811 (2005). Link

Gonsalves, K. E.; Thiyagarajan, M.; Choi, J. H.; Zimmerman, P.; Cerrina, F.; Nealey, P. F.; Golovkina, V.; Wallace, J.; Batina, N., “High performance resist for EUV lithography”, Microelectronic Engineering 77 (1), 27-35 (2005). Link

Grigoriev, A.; Do, D.-H.; Kim, D. M.; Eom, C.-B.; Adams, B.; Dufresne, E. M.; Evans, P. G., “Structural dynamics of PZT thin films at the nanoscale”, Ferroelectric thin films XIII, 902E, (2005). Link

Hadipoespito, G. W.; Li, X., “Microstereolithography based on digital micromirror device for complex meso/micro structures”, Transactions of NAMRI/SME 33, 105-111 (2005).

Isakovic, A. F.; Evans, P. G.; Cai, Z.; Lai, B.; Kmetko, J.; Cicak, K.; Thorne, R. E., “Transverse correlations and plasticity in the CDW conductor NbSe3 studied by x-ray microbeam diffraction”, Journal de Physique IV 131, 139 (2005). Link

Ivens, A. C.; Peacock, C. S.; Worthey, E. A.; Murphy, L.; Aggarwal, G.; Berriman, M.; Sisk, E.; Rajandream, M.; Adlem, E.; Aert, R.; Anupama, A.; Apostolou, Z.; Attipoe, P.; Bason, N., et al., “The genome of the kinetoplastid parasite, Leishmania major”, Science 309 (5733), 436-442 (2005). Link

Jewell, C. M.; Zhang, J.; Fredin, N. J.; Lynn, D. M., “Multilayered polyelectrolyte films promote the direct and localized delivery of DNA to cells”, Journal of Controlled Release 106 (1-2), 214-223 (2005). Link

Kandela, I. K.; Bleher, R.; Albrecht, R. M., “Correlative immunolabeling on etched epon samples”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 11 (Supp 2), 1098-1099 (2005). Link

Meyer, D. A.; Oliver, J. A.; Albrecht, R. M., “A method for the quadruple labeling of platelet surface epitopes for transmission electron microscopy”, Microscopy and Microanalysis 11 (Supp 2), 142-143 (2005). Link

Provenzano, P. P.; Alejandro-Osorio, A. L.; Valhmu, W. B.; Jensen, K. T.; Vanderby Jr., R., “Intrinsic fibroblast-mediated remodeling of damaged collagenous matrices in vivo”, Matrix Biology 23 (8), 543-555 (2005). Link

Reslewic, S.; Herschleb, J.; Schwartz, D. C., “Looking at genomes one molecule at a time”, American Biotechnology Laboratory 23, 26-29 (2005).

Reslewic, S.; Zhou, S.; Place, M.; Zhang, Y.; Briska, A.; Goldstein, S.; Churas, C. P.; Runnheim, R.; Forrest, D.; Lim, A.; Lapidus, A.; Han, C. S.; Roberts, G. P.; Schwartz, D. C., “Whole-genome shotgun optical mapping of Rhodospirillum rubrum”, Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 (9), 5511-5522 (2005). Link

Roberts, M.; Evans, P. G.; Rugheimer, P.; Savage, D. E.; Lagally, M. G.; Xiao, Y.; Lai, B.; Cai, Z., “Germanium hut nanostressors on free-standing ultrathin SOI”, Proceedings of the Electrochemical Society, (2005).

Slinker, K. A.; Lewis, K. L. M.; Haselby, C. C.; Goswami, S.; Klein, L. J.; Chu, J. O.; Coppersmith, S. N.; Joynt, R.; Blick, R. H.; Friesen, M.; Eriksson, M. A., “Quantum dots in Si/SiGe 2DEGs with Schottky top-gated leads”, New Journal of Physics 7, 246 (2005). Link

Tevaarwerk, E.; Keppel, D. G.; Rugheimer, P.; Lagally, M. G.; Eriksson, M. A., “Quantitative analysis of electric force microscopy: The role of sample geometry”, Review of Scientific Instruments 76, 053707 (2005). Link

Thompson, K.; Booske, J. H.; Larson, D. J.; Kelly, T. F., “Three dimensional atom mapping of dopants in Si nanostructures”, Applied Physics Letters 87, 052108 (2005). Link