UW-Madison SCIENCountErs Program Welcomes Two New Partners (2014)
Presentation of Large DNA Molecules for Analysis as Nanoconfined Dumbbells (2014)
UW-Madison NSEC led SCIENCountErs Launches New Website (2014)
Impact of UW NSEC on Campus Facilities (2014)
The Soft Materials Laboratory: Characterization and Patterning of Polymers (2014)
Tuning the Strength of Hydrophobic Interactions using Immobilized Ions (2014)
Nanopatterned Brushes Templated by Block Copolymers (2014)
Self-Assembly of Strongly Phase Segregated Block Copolymer Thin-films (2014)
Nylon-3 Co-Polymers: Discovery of New Bioactive Materials (2014)
Science, New Media, and the Public (2013)
Photo-Enhanced Toxicity of Graphene Oxide Nanosheets (2013)
Super-Stretching of DNA for Optical Mapping of Genomic DNA (2013)
Initiator Embedded Organic Coatings for Dense Brush Growth (2013)
Demonstration of “full disc” bit patterned media (2012)
Nano Patterning Campus Facility (2012)
Catalysis from Directed Assembly of β-Peptide Nanorods (2012)
Density Multiplication and Improved Lithography by Directed Block Copolymer Assembly (2012)
Diffusion of Nanoparticles in Liquid Crystalline Systems (2012)
From small Science Comes BIG Decisions (2011)
Graphoepitaxy on Chemically Homogeneous Surfaces (2011)
Language matters: Defining nanotech for lay audiences can impact attitudes and understanding (2011)
Photoreactivity and ROS production: Looking at TiO2 (2011)
Sequence-Directed Assembly of β-peptide Oligomers at Phospholipid Membranes (2011)
Soft Materials Characterization Laboratory
Surfactant-Assisted Orientation of Thin Diblock Copolymer Films