Andrew E. Greenberg, JohnW. Moore
SCIENCountErs, led by the University of Wisconsin-Madison NSEC, is a national afterschool science and engineering program that partners STEM institutions (science museums and higher education institutions) with their local Boys and Girls Clubs. The SCIENCountErs program welcomes two new partners to its nationwide program; The Boys and Girls Clubs of El Paso and the University of Maryland –College Park. The new additions bring six new weekly Boys and Girls Club sites on board bringing the total of 12 Boys and Girls Clubs partnering with their communities to host SCIENCountErs programs. SCIENCountEr STEM partners build relationships within their communities and promote STEM careers to Boys and Girls Club members. Partners are provided with curriculum, implementation instructions, and a small amount of financial support from the NSEC
Fig. 1: Map of current SCIENCountErs Partners | Fig 2. Application materials from website for Boys and Girls clubs, universities, college chemistry departments and museums. |